Where can I find reliable information about medicines?


Where can I find reliable information about medicines?  You can find reliable information from many sources – for example package leaflets, medical professionals and medical authorities.  From the medicine package The medicine package has information such as the name, active…

Assignment: Internet as an information source


Assignment: Internet as an information source Objectives During the assignment, you will learn: To understand that the reliability of information consists of several factors.  To use the DARTS checklist to assess the reliability of information on medicines found on the…

Lesson plan: physical activity of children and adolescents


Physical activity lesson plan for lower secondary school A 3-hour lesson package for health education in lower secondary school Objectives The objective is to increase understanding of physical, mental and social health from the perspective of physical activity (T5). The…

Are you using your medicine correctly?


Are you using your medicine correctly? There are many things to consider when using medicines. Before you start using a new medicine, find out the answers to the following questions: Is the medicine suitable for me? How much medicine should…

Medicines Education


Medicines Education What is Medicines Education? Medicines education is part of the health education of children and young people that takes place at home, at school and in public health care. The purpose of medicines education is to strengthen the…

Checklist for using medicine


Checklist for using medicine The checklist summarises the things to consider when using the medicine! The interactive ThingLink image forms a learning path in numerical order, exploring ten different checkpoints on the medicine use checklist. You can open the ThingLink…

How do medicines have an effect?


How do medicines have an effect? Each medicine has its own mode of action. Medicinal substances are generally used to either strengthen or prevent the body’s own physiological processes.  Medicines have different effects on different people The same medicines do…

Assignment: Headache group assignment


Assignment: Headache group assignment Objectives During the assignment, you will learn:  To assess the causes of headache.  To assess treatment methods for headache.  What things you should know about your medicine so that you can use it correctly. How to…

What is medicine?


What is medicine? There are prescription medicines and over-the-counter medicines. Prescription medicines can be dispensed from a pharmacy only on the prescription of a doctor, veterinarian, dentist, or a nurse with limited prescription rights.  You can buy over-the-counter medicines from a…

Monitoring the effects of medicinal treatment


Monitoring the effects of medicinal treatment   You should be aware of whether you can notice the effects of your medicine yourself, or whether the efficacy of the medicine must be monitored with laboratory tests, for example. It is also good…